Monday, December 24, 2007


Spent the last few days in Idaho City shoveling and blowing snow. Actually had a good time. No snow riding but did go snowshoeing. Used Sky's new booties. They worked real well after they were adjusted properly. Tomorrow is Christmas and I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday. Oh I almost forgot me and the other reindeer ran the Christmas run! Haven't run since April actually felt great. Some people disagree with me when I say that riding a single speed helps my running but, I still believe it works. Looking forward to next year and doing some long rides. At this point I am not planning to do any mountain bike races. We will see. Had more fun last year riding and randoneering.



David Blaine said...

This is David Blaine from Spokane here. Thanks for chiming in on the td/GDr debate.
I am a Boise boy, born at St. Al's. I still have a lot of family in the A-1. One of my favorite races of all time was when I raced the Idaho City stage of the Banzai. My work schedule did not allow me to stay for the incredible downhill stage off Bogus Basin.
I am doing some thinking about riding the Idaho Centennial Trail (reference State Parks Website) in the year or two after the GDR. I have done a lot of hiking at various places that the route passes through and realize that the 1100 miles of Idaho may be harder that the 2400 miles of the Continental Divide. You should check it out.
Go Broncos.

Jimbo said...

The centenial trail is on my to do list. I will ride some of it this summer as it does look like a awesome route and good training close to home.

I have an issue about driving to ride I could do some of this without driving riding part of the route and looping back home.
We will see right now I am still getting my workouts shoveling snow.

The Idaho city excellent adventure was my first xc race. I probably raced with you during the Banzai. My house in Idaho city is just off that route. Ever in town and want to ride it let me know!


David Blaine said...

Keep me updated on any of your centennial trail riding.